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Welcome to the Life Sorted blog

Imagine waking up to a home that sparks joy every morning!

I’m Judith Clarkson, founder of Life Sorted. I live with my Husband in the beautiful Richmond upon Thames, and I’m a Professional Organiser and certified KonMari consultant.

Judith Clarkson in Richmond upon Thames
Judith Clarkson in Richmond upon Thames

I met my Husband when we were both 40 years old. At the time, we lived in our own flats and had each accumulated plenty of stuff throughout our lives. When we decided to move in together, we had two of everything our household needed. We quickly had to decide which to keep so that we had room to move. However, when I look back, whilst I was overjoyed to share my home with the person I love, we still had so much stuff neither of us used or indeed loved. Moreover, we packed it all up and then unpacked it again when we moved home.

It wasn’t until we were planning our house renovations and had to move out to temporary accommodation for eight months that I decided to follow Marie Kondo’s KonMari method of decluttering and organisation. The results were transformative and went way beyond just having a tidy home. I found that I could make so many more decisions in my life with clarity. I became so much more mindful not only of purchases that I would make but also of how I wanted to live my life.

The most significant decision was to train as a certified KonMari consultant so that I could help my clients not only to live in a home that sparks joy but also to find clarity in their lives so they can live their ideal lifestyle.

I feel honoured to have the opportunity to see the transformative effect my work as a professional organiser has on my clients’ lives.

In this blog, I will share

  1. Tips about decluttering using the KonMari method

  2. Helpful hints about how to store things to live in an organised home

  3. Reviews of topical books I’ve read

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Are you ready to sort your home, sort your life and achieve your goals?

I'm Judith, a Professional Organiser and KonMari Consultant based in Richmond, London. I help my clients sort their home and life to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Would you like to learn more about how I can help you organise your home for long-lasting change? I offer a free 30-minute consultation on Zoom to discuss your organising goals and how I can help.

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